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Now: 2025-02-09 22:44
“Karttarym - kazynam”

A festive event “Karttarym - kazynam” dedicated to the Day of the Elderly was held at the Talgar College of Agribusiness and Management. The holiday was a great opportunity to say warm words of gratitude to the veterans. Greetings to the guests, the director of the college Bozymbekova Dinara Bolatbekovna congratulated those present on the holiday, wishing them good spirits and long life, thanked them for many years of conscientious work. Young specialists presented a concert program filled with warmth and love. The event ended with a festive dastarkhan.
"Center for the Study of Religion"![]()
The Talgar College of Agribusiness and Management hosted a meeting between the deputy head of the "Center for the Study of Religion" of the Zhambyl region, psychologist, member of the Republican Information and Explanatory Group Tleukhan Bakdaulet Mamyrkhanovich and a specialist theologian of the Talgar district of the Department of Religious Affairs of the Almaty region Abdi Adilet with 1st year students on the topic "Religion and extremism". During the conversation, the children were told about the current problems of modern religious extremism. The students took an active part in the exchange of opinions, asked questions of interest to them.
"My result is my success!"![]() In the Talgar College of Agribusiness and Management, as part of the celebration of Labor Day, a debate on the topic "My result is my success!" was held with the participation of members of the Eristika debate club. The event was held in order to revive the traditions of respect for working professions and awareness of the importance of work from an early age, as well as to understand that the ability to work honestly and responsibly is the most important value for every person. This event brought together 1st and 2nd year students who demonstrated their analytical abilities, skills to argue and actively defend their own views and judgments. "Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan"![]() Young specialists and students of the 1st and 2nd courses of the talgar College of agribusiness and management held a solemn event dedicated to the day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan in order to arouse students ' interest in the knowledge of languages, the formation of patriotism through the study of the cultural heritage of the people. Students and young specialists read poems about the language, sang songs, performed dances of the peoples of multinational Kazakhstan. The holiday of the day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan has become a tradition for all ethnic groups of Kazakhstan. Deputy director for Academic Affairs I. M. Tukusbaeva, head of the Department of languages and social disciplines Akhmetova M. M. made a welcoming speech. .
Meeting of the Methodological Council![]() On September 12, 2024, the first meeting of the methodological council was held at the Talgar College of Agribusiness and Management. The director of the college Bozymbekova Dinara Bolarbekovna addressed the participants of the method council with a welcoming speech, who presented diplomas of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Akhmetova M.M., Nurmukhanbetova T.A., diplomas from the Department of Education of the Almaty region Duisekozha A.K., Uzbekova A.K., as well as certificates of assignment of the qualification category to Abilkasymova K.M. and Kulzhabekova L.K. On the agenda of the methodological council, reports were heard by the methodologist of the college Duisekozha A.K., the head of the Department of Languages and Social Disciplines Akhmetova M. M., the head of the association "Zhas Maman" Akhmetova A. K. The Methodological Council, which began its work with the project "Birlikte bolayyk!", was completed with a training. |