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Now: 2024-09-14 00:13
"Библиотечный квартирник"
Преподаватели Талгарского колледжа агробизнеса и менеджмента Сейсенкулова Г. К. и Алпысбаева А.С. в рамках реализации проекта "Читающий колледж" организовали для обучающихся мероприятие "Библиотечный квартирник" на тему "Открытый микрофон", на котором присутствовала кандидат в мастера спорта по баскетболу Журавлёва Е.А., которая призвала молодых людей любить спорт, а также напомнила, что спорт — это ценность, которая физически и духовно развивает человека и расширяет его мировоззрение. Обучающие во время встречи задавали интересующие их вопросы.
"Parade of Parks" and "Save the planet from garbage"
Monday, 01 April 2024 14:01
In the Zhenis Park in Talgar, with the participation of volunteers from the Talgar district Youth Resource Center and Talgar College of Agribusiness and Management, an environmental campaign "Parade of Parks" and "Save the planet from garbage" was held. During the campaign, the park was cleared.
representative of the Cabinet of Healthy Lifestyle Akylbekova A.M. and psychologist of the Youth Health Center of Talgar CRH Kusainova H. B. held a meeting with students and teachers
Monday, 01 April 2024 09:24
On March 27, representative of the Cabinet of Healthy Lifestyle Akylbekova A.M. and psychologist of the Youth Health Center of Talgar CRH Kusainova H. B. held a meeting with students and teachers of the Talgar College of Agribusiness and Management for the prevention of tuberculosis infection, colorectal cancer (CRC) and human papillomavirus (HPV), at which the audience got acquainted with the causes, symptoms of infection and measures for their prevention. In conclusion, the students answered questions and actively discussed the given topics.
"The importance of introducing innovative technologies in the agro-industrial complex"
Thursday, 28 March 2024 13:26
The Republican scientific and practical conference "The importance of introducing innovative technologies in the agro-industrial complex" was held on the basis of the Kaplanbek Higher Agrarian and Technical College in Saryagash, Turkestan region, which was attended by students of the Talgar College of Agribusiness and Management. The student of the group 2 Vet "A" Serikbayuli Magzhan took the 2nd prize, and the student of the 3rd Zem "A" Bakeshova Anel became the winner in the nomination "The best innovative topic".Congratulations on your victory!
Nauryz, the spring festival
Saturday, 23 March 2024 18:46
Nauryz, the spring festival, is celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox, i.e. on March 22. March 22 has been officially declared a holiday in Kazakhstan. Starting this year, the spring and renewal holiday in Kazakhstan will be celebrated in a new format. The decade of Nauryznam will be held annually from March 14 to 23. The main events were held in the Meliorator district, where the residents of Talgar magnificently and brightly celebrated the spring holiday of Nauryz. Colorful yurts, exhibitions, sports competitions, games and concerts pleased all residents of our city. During the celebration, Nauryz kozhe, pilaf and baursaks could be tasted in each yurt. Nauryz was and remains the most beloved holiday for all Kazakhstanis. |